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Thursday, 1 August 2013

Luck Interferes

Luck interfered ‘defeat’ reasons.
Losers emboss this designation.

Personal grievances guilt luck.
Shattered are thy hopes,
Trampled are thy emotions.

Forgotten is the fact that,
‘Time fleets but art’s long’

Grievances add to arts
And time takes off.

Suffering accompanies over the sand thy walk.

Days enjoy thine suffer,
‘Heartbeats parallel muffled drums.

Confidence leaks as horror creeps in,
Nightmares seem coming true.

‘Fright’ wins and failures sustain.
Life forced for an end as dejection exceeds.

Sustaining resembles hell.
Real ending end chapters of luck and life.

Still, my thought pricks my mind,
Does luck really interfere?

For success never boasts of it.

There are some, whom failures drank,
Yet they fought incessantly and finally
Success was their reward!

Footprints of great people infer to the fact, that
Hard work pays a lot.
It pays to such extent,
That even failure feels bribed.

Ultimately Failures bows low before success.

Composed By:
Pranav Kumar Pathak