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Friday, 26 July 2013

Life- The real Journey


What others say ..?I cannot go over
Yet I believe that life’s a flyover
In which you have to walk over
And do our destinies covered.

Sometimes it may be a tetroid
Otherwise it may be a diploid
At times it may be a haploid
And may make us a moron…

It will give us hope
 But in no substitution
Force us lead our lives like the pope…..
Happiness will be there to give a proscription …

Fruitful as it may seem
Friutless it may become
In no moment happiness dim
And in place sadness come…

Chances are given just for once…
Made use are good…
Fail  to use and wait for the pounce
Life takes a turn and away as it should…

Amorous as should  life be …
Search in for  the true one…
Who awaits you to your glee…
Fail not in this crutial tone…
See yourself as a sylvan hunter
Who sagittariously searches for a bulls eye aiming at the zero
Drive no dumb cattle as your goal may shatter…
As in your way to becoming a real hero…
Believe not in history,…
As it is a great mystery..
Aim for creating .
Let reason for your success become a story…

If  you fail to get the true one
Waste not your life any further …
Start a new search without the thought of that previous one…
Be with your age together…
Target tha grave not
Face the chalenges that come in your way…
Obstacles will leave your way hot
Cool them with a BEC in just one sway….

Grab  that perfection which others just dream
Find that partner who lays life on you …
Open every day with a loud scream
Ensure well perfectly that your enthusiasm knows no dues…

Attend not that a well begun is a half done
Juat take some motivation from it…
Believe that not begun at all until a half done….
No task is then a mountain even a bit…..

Trust your true mate
Understand it to the fullest…..
Let no dispute injure it just as fate
Life will then really seem  coolest……

Future trust.. on it rely not..bed of roses seem and said
Cremate the past in it’s cenotauph …
Make your own future as you go ahead
Take refunds from the past…….

Choose the correct from all…..
Inculcate them in you….
Failures must not discourage you at all ..
Learn from them and bring out the perfectionist in you…

Live your life to it’s fullest …
Because the real  happiness  lies in unravelling it’s mysteries…
Don’t quit at the lowest tide in it’s newest……
You know never know WHAT’S NEXT..?

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