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Wednesday, 31 July 2013


Just below the horizon,
The fire ball peeped in.
Innocent Shouts scribbled the atmosphere.
Stumps put down by the ball,
At times hit to travel some miles.
Setting two to run behind.

Thoughts provoke nostalgia.
Innocent life, parents’ strict guide,
Fear, worries, tension and future considered alien.
Hearty enjoyment left nothing untouched.
Tender quarrels and re gathering,
Games played so silly,
Each ones’ feeling fully exposed.

A little more grown up,
Increment in world exposure,
Closeness towards friends,
Outings, idiotic talks and making fun.
Lies to parents for friends,
All these induced enjoyment that knew no bounds.
Yet, the result day made hardest.
Parents rebuke for Dreaming in exams and then,
Committing to become detached and study hard.
And breaking it in a day or two, for
Friends again and friends forever.

Years Passed by Towns left for cities.
Innocent spark vanished, for responsibilities to be shouldered.
Serious thunder thunders all around.
Enjoyment is not dim, yet continues to lose its hue,
in pace with the fleet of time.
Life’s yet to experience further.

Composed by:
Pranav Kumar Pathak

1 comment:

  1. You are a very bad writer!! Stop writing shitty articles.
