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Friday, 26 July 2013

My childhood Fancy - Shiwie


             My Childhood Fancy- Shiwie

“Knock Knock Knock” and I hastily got up at mid night not quite realizing that it was a series of knocks at the door.
I opened the main door just to shock myself at the visitor and welcome him with wide mouth, Open-turgid eyes and sheer contentment. The visitor thrilled my senses saying that he would stay with me for a day. He was endowed with a green body, a large head, bulging eyes nostrils and ears. The lower part could be better described as a thin strip of lamellae bearing various nodes, leading two pairs of bony and nodulated ‘limbs’.
He told me that universe’s most powerful block,--the RETROS, was set on a search of the pistol star (The most beautiful star that could impart immortal overruling powers.) present in the Milky Way galaxy. The optimistic block ---the COSMO was to stop the pessimistic block –RETROS, from gaining access to the star, as it would make them immortal and super powerful.
The alien (he was a COSMO leader) also informed that the RETROS were approaching the EARTH to suck up its immortal Energy and use it as their fuel. Now this news tends to put me into action because I am a lover of both Earth and Science...
Whole night we were busy planning our mission to destroy the RETROS and had made enough arrangements by morning. Sharp at 5:00am all fellow COSMO pilots set out in their missile airships. The COSMO leader Shiwie and I controlled, directed and monitored them through my computer. Our armies approached the target and entered the BATTLEFIELD OF AIR in a gallant show. But the RETROS were no fools and were ready for repression. They sent their fighter planes to destroy ours. Many of their soldiers were killed but we seemed to have been overpowered by the enemy who had been increasing incessantly.
They increased to such an extent that our soldiers seemed much less in number. Finally, both Shiwie and I had to leave our monitoring to help our soldiers. We boarded our especially designed fighter planes and entered the arcade. We started destroying the enemy and in this process we reduced a major part of the enemy’s soldiers. We passed over mountains, valleys, hurricanes, tornadoes and volcanoes but nothing harmed us. Perhaps these angels and monsters too were waiting eagerly for the result i.e. if the Earth survived, they too would and if not, then they were at their end.
At last we reached our final target---The RETROS Mother airship. But our weapons and missiles worked no wonder. Shiwie then suggested me that we must get inside the mother air ship so as to destroy them because it had a protective covering made of very very very rare elements in the Universe, and thus was unbreakable.
“But how???” this Question perhaps troubled Shiwie which she asked me without hesitation.
Actually the entry door of the RETROS mother airship was closed and no more fighter planes came out as they did few hours back. I then suggested the creation of a Worm Hole.(In reality, just a few days back I had worked on Mr. Albert Einstein’s and Mr. Stephen Hawkins’ theories and had come to a conclusion- The zero distance-displacement-time law --- the creation of a worm hole would greatly alter time and space—---a new step to time travel.....)
Keeping this theory in mind I perceived that the creation of a Worm hole near the entry door could help us in going back to the previous situation where the fighter planes of the RETROS were coming in and out of the entry door. This situation would prove to be greatly challenging if we failed to destroy the mother airship but would prove to be a boon for everyone but RETROS. I had yet another Idea—the worm hole could be destroyed after we get in so as to ensure a smooth and justified fight for our fellow COSMO fighters.
Shiwie approved this and we did the same:-got into the mother airship and started destruction Lastly, it was about to collapse and we had just 15 seconds to get out of the mother airship and save our lives (This is because the intensity of the collapse was so high that our planes would have burst too). Shiwie bid me farewell while we were still on the way and said that if we met after coming out then he would leave to me a wonderful surprise... At last we succeeded in our mission and we were safely out of the mother airship before it could collapse...Within a few seconds it burst and Thus ended the most powerful block of the universe RETROS...
I looked back to wave at Shiwie but wait he was gone!!”But where?” I searched him everywhere in the earth but couldn’t find him. I thus desperately returned to my house but....... 
I saw Shiwie’s plane...Yes.yees It was Shiwie’s plane but who was near it???
I went near to his plane and was shocked to see a girl—a girl so beautiful that.....that I Had never seen before. Her beauty was inexpressible; her face had those golden charms which even the most beautiful girls on this earth lack. She handed to me a letter which had Shiwie’s signature and ran thus

“Dear Pranav,
This is the surprise which I had talked about. This Girl’s name is same as that of mine. She would change into a ring and I request you to wear it immediately. In reality the ring contains a Star Ruby which is the pistol star in its rudimentary form. So protect it and never ever part it with you. This ring will be visible only to you.  
Yours ever
 With this the girl changed into a ring and I put it between my fingers.
I still have that ring but of course You cannot see it.................!!!!!!!!!!

Written By:
Pranav Kumar Pathak

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